For this assignment, create a Public Service Announcement (PSA). A PSA aims to benefit the public by raising awareness and motivating change and opinion. Specifically, it is an advertisement used by the government and non-profit organizations to raise awareness of an issue, or encourage people to take action to make an improvement in their community. An effective PSA is one that appeals to a target audience, informs an audience, and provides a call to action. PSAs can be found on the television, radio, and in other forms of media.
When you create your PSA, you may choose to submit a television or radio announcement. Before starting, search and review examples of other Public Service Announcements to learn ways to make yours stand out. You can view an example of a PSA below.
Example of a Public Service Announcement
For your PSA, choose a health or safety topic that you feel passionate about sharing with other people. Your PSA must address an issue that was covered under one of the topics in this module:
Produce a radio or television public service announcement for teenagers. Your two-to-three minute PSA should identify a risk that poses significant negative consequences to teens. Your PSA should give tips for avoiding the negative consequences and acting responsibly if placed within a situation in which the risk exists.
For example, you might choose to educate teens about the importance of hygiene in preventing the spread of communicable diseases. You would discuss the risk that improper hygiene poses and the accompanying consequences. Then you would give tips as to how to avoid the spread of a communicable disease through responsible behaviors in good hygiene.
Write a script for your radio or television segment. It can include multiple radio or television personalities. For all speaking parts, make sure you describe the type of "voice" or character. Once you have your script written and edited, you will use audio recording software provided to you by your school, or free audio recording software available online, such as Audacity, to record the radio PSA.
Before you begin, access the Responsible Behavior PSA Rubric so you understand how your assignment will be graded. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, be sure to submit a Works Cited document along with your work. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you use.
Once you have completed your PSA, please submit your script, audio file, and Works Cited to the Dropbox.
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.