You have most likely experienced a situation where you or someone you know has failed to exercise self-control or assert him or herself. For instance, you may know of someone who falls into road rage, or someone who passively accepts being treated rudely or unfairly. In both of these scenarios, the person could react in a more positive manner, which would benefit both the person and all others.
Create a comic strip that illustrates the difference between a positive and a negative reaction. Your comic strip should include a scenario in which someone fails to exercise self-control, is not assertive, makes a poor decision, or is negatively influenced by emotions or peers. Additionally, your comic strip should also demonstrate a positive reaction to the scenario. For example, your scenario might consist of two people having dinner at a restaurant. During the meal, the server accidentally spills a tray of food onto the guests. One of the guests fails to show self-control, while the other guest has a more positive reaction. Include at least six panels that are organized so a reader can understand the events unfolding in the comic. You should also ensure your text is written legibly.
Before you begin, access the Positive vs. Negative Reaction Comic Strip Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.
Options to create your comic strip include the following:
Once you have completed your comic strip, please submit your work to the dropbox.
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.