A Drive Through the Community

T-shirt with recycle logo
Authentic AssessmentFor this authentic assessment, you will have the opportunity to campaign for people in your community to start making healthier decisions. First, take some time to observe people’s risky behaviors. For example, perhaps you notice a lot people in your community with body piercings, tattoos, skin that is exposed to too much sun, music so loud it damages their ears, or drinking problems. Others may habitually text while driving, or drive while drowsy.

Once you have determined a risky behavior that is prevalent in your community, you will design a t-shirt that campaigns for others to make smarter choices by eliminating this risk in their lives. Your t-shirt must include a clear indication of the risky behavior you are focusing on for your campaign, evident through words or graphics. It also needs to have an original slogan, and at least one original image.

While your t-shirt design should be creative and make a strong point to community members, be sure you are tactful and refrain from using insults in your message.

Once you have designed your t-shirt, make it come to life. You can create your t-shirt in various ways:

  1. Use fabric-paint to hand-draw your campaign onto a blank t-shirt.
  2. Create your campaign in a paint or graphics program and print it on iron-on transfer paper, which you can then iron onto a blank t-shirt.

Finally, wear your t-shirt around the community to make people aware of this risky behavior. Start a discussion with at least five people. In your conversation, talk about the following points:

  • The meaning behind your campaign slogan;
  • At least three statistics about this risky behavior;
  • How this risky behavior impacts your life or the lives of others in your community; and
  • An alternative healthier behavior people can focus on instead.

Once you have participated in five conversations, write a brief five-to-seven sentence paragraph that explains how you addressed the four bullet points above with each person, as well as a recap of people’s reactions to your campaign. Make sure you also include a photograph of your t-shirt to illustrate your campaign.

Before you begin, access the Risky Behaviors Campaign Checklist to be sure you include all of the items required for full credit. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing resources.

AssignmentOnce you have completed your t-shirt campaign, conversations, and paragraph, please submit your work to the dropbox.


Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.