Welcome to Health and PE 9!

happy multcultural friends reaching for a football on the beach

Your physical fitness and well-being are important. You may already know some key elements to staying healthy, but this Health and Physical Education 9 course will help you complete the picture as you work through each module.

In this online course, you will gain an understanding of health and physical education through media-rich interactivities, videos, collaborative discussions, hands-on applications, and real-world projects. In each lesson, you will have the opportunity to complete a fitness log tracking your physical activity through each topic. By completing and monitoring your physical activity, you will be able to observe your health improve and your abilities grow.

Along the way, you are going to learn some terminology and concepts that are specific to health and physical education that will assist with your continued understanding of each concept. In this course, you will study:

  • Decision-making
  • Nutritional principles
  • Avoiding harmful substances
  • Disease prevention
  • Individual and team sports
  • Metabolism
  • Recreational activities
  • Strength and endurance
  • Cardiovascular training
  • Flexibility and stretching
  • Rest and the endocrine system
  • Athletic performance
  • Stress and time management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Walking for your health
  • F.I.T.T. principles
  • Goal setting
  • Components of a fitness plan
  • Targeted exercises and total-body workouts
  • Avoiding risk
  • Emergency procedures
  • Violence prevention
  • Peer pressure and body image
  • Aerobic exercise
  • Dancing
  • School and community health
  • Social issues
  • Health departments
  • Preparing for disasters and disaster relief
  • Sportsmanship and respect
  • Long-term health
  • Energy balance

Have fun as you delve into the world of health and physical education. This knowledge will benefit you for the rest of your life.