A lot goes into your health to make sure you feel "put together." In this module, you will discover how making good decisions is critical to your overall health. Then, you will explore the basics of nutrition, including essential nutrients, a balanced diet, healthy foods, and the relationship between sports and nutrition. Next, you will learn about the effects of harmful substances like drugs and alcohol. Moreover, you will discover information about communicable diseases and how to stay away from them so you can work toward lifelong wellness. You will also have the chance to explore recreational activities, individual sports, and team sports that are available in your community.
Overall, you will learn valuable skills to help you put the pieces of a healthy lifestyle together to build a foundation for lifelong health.
Getting Started
You make decisions every day. Sometimes, the decisions are small, such as deciding whether or not to visit a friend. Other times, you are faced with important decisions that could affect your health, either positively or negatively.
Think of a time when you made a decision that negatively impacted your health. Then, think of a time when you made a decision that positively impacted your health. Remember, your health involves physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. Consider the following questions:
Key Vocabulary
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.
addiction | fat | pathogen |
alcohol | fat-soluble vitamin | protein |
bacteria | fungi | recreational activity |
basal metabolic rate | health consumer | responsibility |
binge drinking | immune system | sexually transmitted disease |
carbohydrate | individual sport | smokeless tobacco |
choices | inhalants | stimulants |
communicable disease | marijuana | substance abuse |
consequence | metabolism | target heart rate |
criteria | minerals | team sport |
decision | moral | tobacco |
depressants | nicotine | values |
discernment | nutrients | virus |
drugs | nutrition | vitamins |
experience | opportunity | water-soluble vitamin |