Physical Training Fitness Principles

A gym teacherCreate an After-School Fitness Program

authentic assessmentUse the information that you have learned from this topic and other resources to create an after-school fitness program.  Your target audience is ninth-grade students at your school.

Your program should contain the following information:

  • Advertisement: How are you going to advertise so that people will come to your after-school program?
  • Location: Where is the group going to meet?
  • Time: How long will the group be staying after school? Would they prefer to meet before school? 
  • Frequency: How often will the group be meeting during the week? Will they meet every week? How is rest incorporated?
  • Warm-Up: What are the types of activities you will have the group do to warm up their bodies?
  • Workout: What types of activities will you choose for the workout? Make sure you include both aerobic and anaerobic exercises and flexibility exercises.
  • Cool-Down: What types of activities will you choose to cool down the body?
  • Recording: Will the individuals in the group record their workouts in a fitness journal or something similar?

Your fitness program should be presented in a document.  Your file should be organized in the following manner:

  • Nine sections labeled in a document with these headings: Introduction, Advertisement, Location, Time, Frequency, Warm-Up, Workout, Cool-Down, and Recording;
  • Additional sections that you feel would enhance your project; and
  • Evidence of your knowledge of muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular health, flexibility, rest and avoiding fatigue should be strongly displayed in this document. 

The file can be produced in any word-processor or publishing program. Before you begin, access the After-School Fitness Program Rubric to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit. If resources outside of this course are used to complete this assignment, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.

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