Community Health

authentic assessmentteen boy walking a dogCommunity Service Project

For this authentic assessment activity, use the information that you have learned from this module and other resources to participate in your own community service project. Below is a list of ideas, but you are not limited to these suggestions.

  • Pick up trash off the side of roads or in parks
  • Volunteer at recreational centers
  • Volunteer at hospitals, health departments, or other health-care facilities
  • Walk dogs for neighbors or the local animal shelter
  • Organize a 5K race or other event to benefit an organization for the homeless
  • Any other teacher-approved activity that would benefit your community

Remember that you want to promote health and wellness in your community, so look around and see where there are needs in your community. You will need to submit the following as part of your community service project.

  1. Documented evidence of your service, such as signatures or contact information of organization leaders or supervising adults
  2. A one-page summary of your experience that answers the following questions
    • How much time did you spend planning your project?
    • How much time did it take to complete?
    • How did you feel after you finished the project?
    • How did it benefit the community's health?
    • Is there anything you would change about your project

Before you begin, review the Community Service Project Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.

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Once you have completed the assignment, please submit your work to the dropbox.


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Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.