Public Health

Young female doctor holding a heartHave you ever wondered where all of the rules and regulations concerning your health come from? Have you ever wondered who or what determines the medications you can buy or what should be printed on food labels? Have you wondered why some vaccinations are emphasized at certain times of the year? The answers to these questions are all related to public health. There are many organizations around the world, in the United States, and in your local community that create and enforce rules regarding the safety and health of all people. Some of these organizations also conduct research and offer informational resources to educate the public about important health issues.

In this module, you will investigate public health organizations and agencies. You will learn how preparing for natural disasters and participating in disaster relief efforts promotes personal and public health. You will also explore the skills needed to remain safe and conflict-free in physical activity settings.


Getting Started

Getting Started IconIn this module, you will learn about public health, disaster planning, and sportsmanship. Before you begin, answer the following questions, creating a separate list for each. Save your lists to use once you have completed this module.

  • How can the public become informed about current health concerns?
  • What supplies do you need in a basic emergency supply kit?
  • What characteristics do you need to demonstrate to be a team player with good sportsmanship?


Key Vocabulary

To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.


American Red Cross® National Institutes of Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention natural disaster
communication plan public health
conflict sportsmanship
disaster kit state health department
epidemiology United Nations
federal health department U.S. Department of Agriculture
Food and Drug Administration U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
local health department World Health Organization