Module 6: Assessment

Bringing water to village communitySeveral leaders from local coastal communities in Virginia recently indicated to you, as the head of a non-profit start-up organization, that they are very interested in funding one of your organization's projects.  However, they have indicated that they would like to see a sample webpage describing the project and it's benefits for coastal communities prior to making their final decision.  They want to be sure that the web page will clearly and convincingly show the benefits of the project for members of their community and other coastal communities.

You are very excited about this opportunity because it means you can finally start thinking big about the role of your organization in local coastal communities around the globe!

For this assessment, your assignment is to create a webpage that will help convince the donors to fund your project. You must first decide what your nonprofit organization's project will be. Will it help bring fresh water to local villages? Could the project include volunteers to help test coastal waters for acidification and recommend ways to improve water quality? The possibilities are truly endless, but remember, you can only pick one!

For the project you would like funded, develop appropriate descriptions and graphics/photos that illustrate the project clearly and effectively. Include a summary of the project, including your reasoning for its importance, the scope of its impact, how many people it will help, and what aspect of the environment your project targets. Your webpage must include graphics and facts that have been researched from reliable sources.

Your webpage layout can be a mock-up or design document of the webpage; it does not need to be a fully functioning webpage. It should include both text and graphics. The webpage should be well-organized. Options for creating your webpage include:

    • Hand-draw the assignment and then take a picture of it for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.
    • Hand-draw the assignment and then scan it for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.
    • Create a new file in a paint or graphics program and utilize the software to create an image. You can then submit your work to the assignment’s dropbox.
    • Create an actual HTML document in a web editing software program and utilize the software to create your webpage. You can then take a screen shot of your webpage or submit the actual HTML document.

assignment iconMake sure that you download a printable version of the instructions, guidelines and the checklist to help you complete the assignment and understand how your work will be graded. If resources outside of this course are used to complete this assignment, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used. Once you have completed your webpage layout, please submit your work to the dropbox.


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Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.