How the ocean moves is vital to climates; therefore, it is vital to life around the world. In this module, you will learn how currents, waves, and tides are formed, and how they contribute to the movement of water and energy through the oceans. You will learn the differences between surface ocean currents and deep ocean circulation, which distribute heat and drive the Earth's climate patterns. Waves are more than just water breaking on a shore. You will learn the anatomy of a wave, how they originate and move energy, and about the types of breakers, and the strength that tsunami and seismic sea waves can carry. You may have heard of high tide and low tide. You will learn more about the causes of these tides and more, including tidal characteristics and how the moon and sun contribute to tides.
Getting Started
How much do you already know about currents, waves, and tides? In this non-graded interactivity , drag and drop each of the answers on the right to match the appropriate question on the left. Click SUBMIT to check your responses. Click the player button to begin.
Key Vocabulary
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.
amphidromic points |
funneling |
shoaling |
Antarctic bottom water |
geostrophic current |
slack current |
bottom water |
gyre |
spilling breakers |
capillary wave |
high tide |
spring tide |
Coriolis Effect |
intermediate water |
standing wave (seiche) |
counter currents |
internal waves |
surf zone |
crest |
La Niña |
surface currents |
deep water |
low tide |
surface water |
deep-water wave |
Mediterranean deep water |
surging breakers |
density stratification |
mixed tide |
swell |
diffraction |
monsoon currents |
thermohaline circulation |
disturbing force |
neap tide |
tidal bore |
diurnal tide |
North Atlantic deep water |
tidal bulge |
downwelling |
oceanic conveyor belt |
tidal range |
Dynamic Theory |
Pacific deep water |
trough |
eddies |
period |
tsunami |
Ekman Spiral |
plunging breakers |
undercurrents |
Ekman Transport |
progressive wave |
upwelling |
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) |
reflection |
wave |
equatorial doldrums |
refraction |
wave frequency |
Equilibrium Theory |
restoring force |
wave height |
fetch |
seismic wave |
wave length |
flood current |
semidiurnal tide |
wave train |
friction |
shallow water wave |