Module 10: Optics

city lightsIn this module, you will learn about the behavior of light. When light reflects, it bounces off of things and when it refracts, it passes through. You will learn how each of these processes work and how they can be used in different applications. 


simulation iconHow many different kinds of images can be made with lenses and mirrors? Your assignment is to explore four different optical devices: converging lens, concave mirror, diverging lens and convex mirror. Read all of the information on Lenses from Boston University's physics department, then click on one of the buttons below the simulation to select a device (e.g., "Show Lens", "Show Mirror", etc.). Click and on the corresponding "Ray Diagram" button. A bold white arrow appears, which represents an object that will be reflected or refracted by the device chosen. Another faint arrow appears that represents the image created by the device selected. Move the device around to different places and observe what happens. Turn it upside down and see what happens. See if anything unexpected happens. Try this for each device and record your observations in this table.


Key Vocabulary:

To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.

Angle of incidence
Diverging optical devices
Principle Axis
Angle of reflection
Fiber Optics
Radius of curvature
Center of curvature
Focal length
Converging Lens
Focal point
Specular Reflection
Converging Mirror
Total Internal Reflection
Converging optical devices
Critical Angle
Optical Density
Diffuse Reflection
Virtual Image
Diverging Lens
Diverging Mirror