Module 4: Energy


Rube Goldberg

Auth Assessment IconRube Goldberg was an engineer and cartoonist known for his illustrations of complicated contraptions for doing simple tasks. His legacy lives on through annual contests as well as recent advertisements and music videos.

Your task is to design a device in the manner of Rube Goldberg that will take at least eight steps, utilizing at least four different forms of energy, to turn on a light switch.

For your invention, you must include:

  1. A diagram of the device.
  2. A description of each component in the device and how it works.
  3. A descriptive analysis of each energy transformation.
  4. A mathematical analysis of at least two of the energy transformations, using reasonable values.

Remember, you are not to simply copy something you’ve seen, but instead must come up with an original contraption in the spirit of Rube Goldberg.

Complete your project and submit electronically to your instructor.

Download a printable version of the assessment directions and the rubric, which will help you determine how your work will be graded.

assignment iconWhen you have completed your assessment and included all of the information listed above, submit your assignment to the dropbox.


exam icon
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.