In this module, you will see how fundamental discoveries in physics can lead to technologies that you may use in your everyday life today.
Before you being you exploration of 20th century physics, check your knowledge in this non-graded interactivity. Click the player to get started.
Key Vocabulary:
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.
Alpha Particle |
Length Contraction |
Radioactivity |
Antineutrino |
Lorentz Factor |
Rest Energy |
Antiparticle |
Nanotechnology |
Sievert |
Beta Minus Particle |
Neutrino |
Solar Cell |
Beta Plus Particle |
Nucleon |
Solid state physics |
Bohr Model of the Atom |
Nucleus |
Standing Wave |
Crystal structure |
Nuclide |
Superconductivity |
Deuterium |
Particle |
The Big Bang Theory |
Electron Microscope |
Particle Theory |
Threshold frequency |
Electron volt |
Photoelectric Effect |
Time Dilation |
Fission |
Photoelectron |
Total Energy |
Fusion |
Photon |
Tritium |
Galilean Relativity |
Photovoltaics |
Wave |
Gamma Ray |
Planck’s Constant |
Wave Theory |
Global Positioning System (GPS) |
Positron |
Work Function |
Half-life |
Quantum Mechanics |
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle |
Quark |
Interference |
Radiation |