Module 1: Government Foundations

Government Magazine

Throughout this module you have explored the foundations of government. You examined theories on how governments began and systems used to organize government power. You learned about the roots of democracy and were introduced to global economics. Now it is time to show off your knowledge of the workings of government by creating a magazine. For your magazine, you must:

  1. Design a front and back cover.
    • Your covers should be colorful, and include graphics.
    • The front cover should include the titles of the articles found inside the magazine.

  2. Write four articles related to the lessons you learned in this module.
    • The Beginnings of Government
    • The Distribution of Power
    • Democratic Traditions
    • Introduction to the Global Economy

    You can write your articles as:
    • Informative essays - explaining what you have learned about this concepts
    • Opinionated articles - written from the perspective of a citizen, or government official

  3. Advertisements
    • Create advertisements to include within your magazine. The advertisements may be related to government, or products and services provided in the economy.

You may be as creative as you like in the design of your government magazine, as long as it includes all of the necessary information. Review the Government Magazine Checklist before beginning to make sure that you are including all of the required items for full credit.

Options to create your magazine include the following:

  1. Utilize digital images and a word-processing, presentation, paint, or graphics program to assemble your magazine, and then submit your collage to the assignment's dropbox.
  2. Use an online magazine creator and follow prompts provided by the website to create and name your magazine. When you have completed your magazine, you can print it and then scan it or photograph it for submission to the assignment's dropbox.
  3. Use a mobile or computer-based application to create your magazine and email or export the final product for submission to the assignment's dropbox.


After you have completed your magazine, consider the following questions and provide thoughtful responses.

  1. How did you decide on the design of the covers of your magazine?
  2. Did you choose to write your articles as informative essays, opinionated articles, or both? Explain.
  3. How did writing the magazine articles give you a deeper understanding of government?
  4. How did you decide on the advertisements that you created for your magazine?

Once you have completed your magazine and reflection, please submit your work to the dropbox.

Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.