Module 10: State and Local Government

Political, government building, US, and VirginiaThe Founding Fathers organized the United States under a federal system, in which power is shared between the national government and the state governments. The national government is supreme; however, the states have reserved powers in order to efficiently operate. During this module you will examine the structure of Virginia state and local governments and explore the relationship between these two levels of government. You will also explore the ways that individuals are able to influence public policy at both the state and local levels.

Getting Started

Getting Started IconBefore you begin your study of Virginia’s state and local governments, take a moment to complete the following sentence.

I am a citizen of ____________________.

How did you complete the sentence? Did you fill in the blank with the name of a country? A state? A city? United States citizens are not only citizens of America, but also of the states, cities, counties, and towns of their residence. This module will allow you the opportunity to deepen your understanding state and local governments and the influence of their citizens.

Key Vocabulary

Glossary Icon
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.


board of supervisors independent cities referendum
council-manager system initiative regional authorities
counties mayor-council system towns
Dillon’s rule recall