Module 2: The Constitution

American FlagSeparation of powers, rule of law, and limited government are just a few of the core principles of American government. In this module you learned about these and many of the other fundamental values that make up the foundation of our government.

You learned how early British government documents, like the Magna Carta, the English Petition of Rights, and the English Bill of Rights, helped pave the way for laws to limit the power of government and protect individual freedoms. You also learned how key documents in Virginia history, such as the Virginia Declaration of Rights and Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, served as models for the protection of rights and liberties in the U.S. Constitution.

You analyzed the writings of European philosophers Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, and Montesquieu. You learned how these thinkers paved the way for laws that protect citizens’ basic rights and policies that separate the powers of Virginia’s government and the national government.

You learned how America officially announced its sovereignty to the world with the Declaration of Independence and established a new government, first organized under the Articles of Confederation and later under the United States Constitution.

This information will prove a useful resource to you, as you continue your study of government in Virginia and the United States.