Module 7: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties


For your Assessment on the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Module, you will be talking with people about their experiences during the time of the Civil Rights Movement and recording what they say. Try to find someone who remembers the Civil Rights Movement well, whether he or she was personally involved in the movement, witnessed an important event, or was simply aware of the developments of the movement.

Ask your interview subject the questions in the Civil Rights Movement Questionnaire, which are also listed below. You may take notes during the interview or record the interview and write down your subject's responses afterward. When conducting your interview, ask the first two questions. If your interview subject answers yes to both questions, continue with the rest of the questionnaire or set a date to conduct the interview.

Civil Rights Movement Questionnaire

  1. Were you aware of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s?
  2. Would you be willing to be interviewed?
  3. What was life like for you during the time of the Civil Rights Movement?
  4. What was your experience of or involvement in the Civil Rights Movement?
  5. Have you ever experienced violence or repression yourself?
  6. In your opinion, what was the most important part of the Civil Rights Movement?
  7. How were you impacted by the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
  8. Would you consider the Civil Rights Movement successful?
  9. Would you consider any part of the Civil Rights Movement a failure?
  10. What are your thoughts on the assassinations of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King?
  11. What should the younger generations understand about the Civil Rights Movement?
  12. Are there any other memories or thoughts you would like to share?


After completing your interview, take a moment to answer each of the following questions in a brief reflection paragraph. You can write your answers after the interview portion of your assignment.

  1. How many people did you ask before you found someone to interview?
  2. Did anyone refuse to answer your questions?
  3. What have you learned about the Civil Rights Movement from your interview?
  4. Do you believe all citizens currently have equality under the law? Why or why not?

Once you have completed your interview and reflection, please submit your work to the dropbox.


Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.