Module 7: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
American civic values like limited representative government and patriotism have been around since the United States gained its independence. Other American civic values, like the equality of all people and equal justice under the law, have also been around since independence, but were often practiced in a hypocritical manner. This has changed over time, but the civil rights and civil liberties enjoyed by modern Americans were not easily won. It took the combined efforts of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches, as well as the contributions of the American people. The United States is not a perfect nation, but its strength resides in its ability to correct itself over time through the efforts of its people. That is why it is essential for American citizens to fully participate in civic life. When Americans exercise the civil liberties guaranteed to them under the First Amendment by voting or running in local, state, and national elections, they are able to shape the society around them.