Module 8: Politics
Throughout this module, you have examined the purpose and functions of political parties and interest groups. You have also learned how individual citizens are able to influence the impact of public policy by participating in political parties and interest groups. One of the best ways to fully understand this aspect of civic life is to learn through experience.
You should locate and contact a political party or interest group in your community with which you can volunteer. Make sure you do your research and select an organization that holds beliefs similar to your own. There are a variety of ways you can help a political party or interest group. After volunteering some of your time at your chosen organization, please complete the Political Volunteer Form. Make sure to print a copy of the Volunteer Form prior to working at your chosen organization, because you will need a signature from a supervisor to verify your volunteer activities. You should volunteer a minimum of three hours of your time.
If you are having difficulty getting started, feel free to reference the official websites listed below. Each of these political party websites offers instructions on how to volunteer. Keep in mind that the organizations listed below are only suggestions of where you may volunteer your time. Feel free to select a political party or interest group of your choice.
Official Political Party Websites
After you complete your volunteer experience, provide responses to the questions below based on your activities.
- Why did you decide to volunteer for this particular organization?
- Was this a meaningful experience for you? Why or why not?
- Describe ways that you could motivate other community members to contribute to this organization.
Once you have completed your Political Volunter Form and Reflection, submit your assignment to the dropbox.
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.