Module 9: Economics

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The President, Congress, the Federal Reserve, and other government agencies play a major role in establishing the nation’s budget. The opinions and decisions of these key players have a major impact on the nation’s economy. You have learned that as a U.S. citizen, you also have a right to voice your opinions and share your perspectives on decisions regarding the government, including the decisions about the nation’s economy.

The U.S. economy has experienced highs and lows over the course of American history. Imagine that the U.S. economy is experiencing a time of high unemployment rates and low production of goods and services. For this assignment, work with 1-2 classmates to develop a plan to modify the United States’ fiscal and monetary policies.

  • How should the government adjust fiscal policy?
    • Should the government raise or lower taxes? Which taxes?
    • Should the government decrease spending on certain government-funded goods and services? Which ones?
    • Should the government borrow money from other nations?
  • How should the government modify monetary policy?
    • Should the government raise or lower the reserve requirement?
    • Should the government increase or decrease discount rates?
    • Should the government buy or sell bonds?

Your team should use presentation software to present the required information. Refer to the Developmental Module for guidelines on how to publish your presentation for submission. Make sure that your presentation is visually appealing, organized, and covers all of the information that is listed above. Include pictures, graphics, or charts to support your information.

Before you begin, access the National Budget Rubric to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit. You will need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment, so please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you use.


Think about the project that you have just completed. In a six-to-eight sentence paragraph, each member of your team should respond to the following questions, individually:

  1. Did you enjoy working with a team to arrive at decisions involving the national budget? Why or why not?
  2. Did your team members agree on all decisions or were there decisions that required compromise? Explain.

Once you have completed your presentation and reflection, please submit your work to the dropbox.


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Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.