Module 9: Economics
Maintaining a stable economy is a goal of every nation. In order to achieve this goal, the government must raise revenue, protect the marketplace and the labor force, and establish trading relationships with foreign nations. During this module, you will examine the role of government in the economies of Virginia and the United States. You will also examine the role of Virginia and the United States in the global economy.
Getting Started
This module will provide the opportunity to deepen your understanding of the role of government in the economies of Virginia and the United States. Consider everything you have already learned about economics. Make a list of the concepts that you associate with economics. As you are creating your list, try to provide at least five specific examples.
Key Vocabulary
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.
command economy | mixed economy | trade deficit |
contract | monetary policy | trade-off |
fiscal policy | monopoly | traditional economy |
free market economy | payroll tax | |
income tax | public goods |