Module 11: The End of the Cold War

Martina, Terrance, George H. W. Bush, William Clinton, George W. Bush

Martina and Terrance are about to embark on a journey through the 1980s and 1990s, exploring the United States interactions with other countries while searching for examples of American responsibility. On this journey, you will investigate the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union, the “Reagan Revolution,” and the changes to the United States’ foreign policy over the administrations of three presidents. You will also examine how immigration impacted the 1980s and 1990s.

Getting Started

Getting Started IconWhat is the United States’ responsibility toward other countries? As a citizen of the United States, should you care about people in other countries? Should the United States government spend its own resources like money, time, and people’s efforts to help other countries or their citizens? Should we always help, sometimes help, or never help? What do you think and why?

Discussion IconPost your responses to the discussions area. Then, return to the topic several times over the next few days to read your coursemates’ posts. Reply to at least two of them, making sure to offer new insights, ask questions, and encourage further conversation. Be sure to explain why you agree or disagree with their views on the United States’ responsibility.


Key Vocabulary

Glossary Icon
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.


Al Qaeda Gorbachev, Mikhail Reagan Revolution
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Job Creation Act of 2010 Reagan, Ronald
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 judicial restraint September 11th Attacks
apartheid No Child Left Behind Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)
Bin Laden, Osama North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
Bush, George H. W. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 Tea Party
Bush, George W. Patriot Act Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 Persian Gulf War War on Terror
Clinton, William J. rhetoric