Module 12: The Changing Times - The 2000s to the Present
You only have one more time traveling voyage to complete with Martina and Terrance. This will be a short trip because you do not have far to go. You will start exploring the second half of the twentieth century through the lens of government and its affects on the economy. Then, Martina and Terrance will help you examine how the Supreme Court protects your right to privacy and equality. Once you learn about your rights as an American citizen, you will examine another group of people who live in the United States - immigrants. Martina and Terrance will then remind you of this country's role in the space race, and show you the impact it has had on rapidly developing technologies. Finally, you will join the duo in an examination of popular culture, including its music and the evolution of women's role in society. Ready, set, let’s get this last journey started.
Getting Started
Through your exploration of United States history, you have witnessed a vast range of human capabilities. In this final module, you will investigate topics that span from the ability to create impressive technologies to the capacity to start a life in a new country. Take a moment to look at the above collage of images. Starting at the top left corner and going clockwise, the images depict immigrants arriving on Ellis Island, a man on the moon, the Statue of Liberty, the Hubble Telescope, black and white televisions, and the launching of Space Shuttle Columbia. What do these pictures tell you about humanity?
Key Vocabulary
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.
Armstrong, Neil | Immigration Act of 1965 | outsourcing |
bilingual | inflation | Polio |
disco | Interstate Highway System | Ride, Sally |
fiscal policy | Johnson, Lyndon | Rule of Law |
G.I. Bill | Kagan, Elena | Salk, Jonas |
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader | Medicaid | social media |
glass ceiling | Medicare | Sotomayor, Sonia |
Glenn, John | monetary policy | telecommuting |
Global Positioning System (GPS) | O'Connor, Sandra Day | Thomas, Clarence |
Great Society | offshoring |