Module 2: The American Revolution - 1750s to the 1780s

Martina and Terrence

Martina and Terrance have reached a point in American history where tensions are growing between the colonists and the British. In this module, Martina and Terrance will guide you through an exploration of the American Revolution. Get your analysis skills ready as you investigate the causes, conflicts, and ideas that encouraged the American colonists to fight for independence from the British. You will have the opportunity to read the document that officially declared the separation of the colonies from England, and expressed some fundamental values of democracy. Finally, your guides will show you how friends helped a group of common colonists defeat the most powerful country in the world.

Getting Started

Getting Started IconT-ChartIndependence is defined as freedom from control, aid, or support of other people or things. If you are independent, you decide what you do and how you do it. Think about your life right now: in what ways are you independent? In what aspects are you still dependent on others?

Take a moment to create a table or chart similar to the one on this page. Your chart should have the following headings: "Ways I am Independent," and "Ways I am Still Dependent." After creating your table, make a list of ways in which you are independent, and the ways in which you are still dependent on others. After you have completed your lists, review the dependent items on your list. Circle any of the items on the list where you would like to become more independent.

Key Vocabulary

To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.

Boston Massacre Jefferson, Thomas Revolutionary War
Boston Tea Party Lexington and Concord social contract
Common Sense Locke, John Stamp Act
Cornwallis, Charles Loyalists Proclamation of 1763
Declaration of Independence minutemen Treaty of Alliance
Enlightenment monopoly Treaty of Paris (1763)
First Continental Congress natural rights Treaty of Paris (1783)
French and Indian War Neutrals Washington, George
Henry, Patrick ordered liberty Yorktown
Howe, William Paine, Thomas  
Intolerable Acts Patriots