Module 3: Building a Government - The 1780s
Martina and Terrence visit the modern Capitol building
Society cannot function without rules and structure. The structure set forth in the Articles of Confederation was too loose for the colonists to function as a cohesive nation and forced the founding fathers to meet at the Constitutional Convention. Several key leaders, many of which were native Virginians, played key roles in the creation of the United States Constitution. Ideas taken from documents, such as Thomas Jefferson’s Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, were used in James Madison’s addition of the Bill of Rights. Without this addition, the Constitution might not have been ratified and the United States might not be as strong as it is today. Also, without Virginian John Marshall, the Supreme Court would not have become a strong branch of the national government and several powers held by Congress would also be lost. Martina and Terrence learned many important lessons about rules and these lessons will be carried with them as they continue on their journey to understanding how America grew into one of the most powerful nations in the world.
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