Module 8: World War II - 1939 to 1945

Martina and Terrance with words

Martina and Terrance are gearing up for another quest; a study of World War II. As you go on this journey, see if you can find examples of American courage. The duo will start by taking you to the beginning of World War II, showing how the actions of Germany and Japan led to war. Then they will guide you through the early stages of the war, when each side prepared its strategy for victory and committed some early atrocities. Next, Martina and Terrance will take you to the American home front to see how the war impacted the lives of everyday Americans, and how they helped contribute to victory. Your fourth and fifth stops will teach you about the European and Pacific theatres of war and the major battles that occurred in each. Finally, Martina and Terrance will end your quest by pointing out one of the great horrors of World War II, the Holocaust. Put on your helmet, you are heading off to study World War II.

Getting Stated

Getting Started IconThe generation of Americans that served and worked through World War II has often been referred to as the “Greatest Generation.” What makes a generation great? What types of things would a generation need to accomplish to earn this title? Do you think the generation that lived, served, and worked during World War II deserves to be called the “Greatest Generation?” Why or why not? Respond to these questions in your journal.

Based on what you know about America during World War II, compose a four to five sentence paragraph that answers each of the above questions in your journal. If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.

Once you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod8_generation and submit it to the journal dropbox.


Key Vocabulary

To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.


Axis Final Solution Navajo Code Talkers
Bataan Death March Geneva Conventions Nazis
Battle of Britain genocide Nisei Regiments
Battle of El Alamein ghetto Nuremberg Trials
Battle of Iwo Jima Hitler, Adolf Pearl Harbor
Battle of Midway Holocaust rationing
Battle of Okinawa infamy retooling
Battle of Stalingrad internment Rosie the Riveter
Bushido isolationism segregation
censorship Lend Lease Act Selective Service
D-Day Manchuria Soviet Union
Eisenhower, Dwight D. militaristic Suez Canal
Embargo morale Tuskegee Airmen