
Physical and Climate Regions

Geographers divide the world into regions based on similar characteristics. This includes physical features, types of vegetation, cultural practices, or languages spoken. In this topic, you will explore how geographers divide the world into regions based on climate and vegetation patterns. You will also examine the meaning of climate, factors that influence an area's climate, and how to create and read climate graphs.

Essential Questions



Take a moment to think about the United States. Consider some of the different ways you could divide the country. For example, examine the first map below. Based on this information, how would you divide the United States into sections?

Average Precipitation in the United States: Image Description

Next, look at the second map below. How would you divide the United States into sections based on this information? Is the way you would divide each map the same or different?

Largest Ancestry Population in State, 2000: Image Description

Geographers think about and discuss the idea of "regions" similarly to how you analyzed both maps. In the United States and around the world, types of regions change based on characteristics one needs to examine.