
Physical and Ecological Processes

Satellite image of Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands

Bering Strait. Isthmus of Panama. Bikini Atoll. All of these locations share a common characteristic. The names of these places reveal the areas' geographical land or water features.

In this topic, you will use geographic terminology to describe different land and water features on Earth. You will also examine natural forces that affect the Earth’s surface. In addition, you will learn how scientists believe various physical features on the planet formed.

Essential Questions



The Grand Canyon represents an interesting example of how plate tectonics, in conjunction with natural forces like erosion, can shape the planet. Take a moment to view the video, The Grand Canyon: How It Formed, from eMediaVASM, to discover more details about the formation of the Grand Canyon. As you watch, think about whether there are physical and ecological processes that shape the environment around you.