Physical Geography of South Asia

A cow grazing near the Hindu Kush Mountains
In this topic, you explored the major landforms and water features of South Asia. The climate of this region is heavily influenced by its physical features, monsoon winds, and ocean currents. Massive mountains form the northern border. The rest is surrounded by water. The Arabian Sea is in the west, the Bay of Bengal is in the east, and the Indian Ocean is in the south.
As you explored South Asia, you learned about the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra rivers. You also studied several mountain ranges, like the Hindu Kush, Western and Eastern Ghats, and Himalayas. The Himalayas were formed millions of years ago, when the Indian Plate collided with the Eurasian Plate. South Asia is susceptible to earthquakes and tsunamis because it is located near this plate boundary. As you continue to explore South Asia, you will learn how physical geography influences the region’s culture.