India, Pakistan, and the Himalayas
GEOTREX Digital Scrapbook

During your travels with GEOTREX, you collected unique items from each region of the world. For this assignment, you will continue collecting items for your scrapbook of South Asia. Your scrapbook can contain items like pictures, newspaper or magazine articles, receipts, or interesting artifacts.
Continue the assignment by answering the following questions:
- What types of scrapbook items could represent individual countries of South Asia?
- What types of scrapbook items could represent natural resources in South Asia?
- What types of scrapbook items could represent the economies of South Asia?
- What types of scrapbook items could represent environmental degradation in South Asia?
- What types of scrapbook items could represent the cultural diversity of South Asia?
- What types of scrapbook items could represent urban and rural living in South Asia?
- What types of scrapbook items could represent the religions of South Asia?
Once you have a list of possible items to include in your scrapbook, start collecting items that represent your journey through South Asia. Be creative with the items you collect. Consider using personal photographs and original artwork, as well as images and articles collected from the Internet or newspapers. Create a bulleted list of at least eight items you plan to include in your final scrapbook. Each item in your list should include a one-sentence explanation of why it is a good fit for the scrapbook. You will submit your completed list to the dropbox.
By the time you finish traveling through South Asia, you will have collected a variety of items for your GEOTREX scrapbook. Make sure you keep everything from this assignment. While you do not have to begin your final scrapbook for this assignment, you will continue collecting items to use for it as you learn more about the region.
After completing this assignment, please submit your work to the dropbox.