Human Migration

Migration Routes of Early Humans: Detailed Description
Homo sapiens is the scientific name for human beings. They emerged in eastern Africa between 100,000 and 400,000 years ago. Archaeologists found that early humans gradually migrated. They moved from Africa to Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. Early humans were hunter-gatherers. This meant they depended on their environment for survival. They also had to migrate to areas with available food and water.
While motivations have changed, modern humans still desire to move around the planet. In this topic, you will explore why people migrate, and how that changes cultures.
Essential Questions
- What factors influence human migration and cultural diffusion?
- How do human migration and cultural diffusion impact different regions?

Imagine you are a farmer with a family. You and your spouse work very hard to feed your three children, but you never seem to have enough money. You want your children to receive a quality education, but you rely on their help to tend the farm. Recently, your crops have suffered from a prolonged drought. Your spouse has also been dealing with chronic health problems. You feel uncertain about your future. Then, you hear about a job opportunity in the city that pays much more than you make farming. The city also offers better access to quality schools and hospitals.
People have faced situations like this for generations. There are factors that “push” people from their homes, and factors that “pull” them to places with the potential for a better life. Think about your current community. What are some factors that might “pull” people to live in your area? What are some factors that might “push” people to move away?