North Africa and Southwest Asia

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
North Africa and Southwest Asia form a region that is also known as the Middle East. Most of the region is unified by a shared language and religion. Arabic is the predominant language and Islam is the predominant religion. However, this region is home to a variety of languages, religions, and cultures. In some cases, these cultural differences have created tension and conflict.
North Africa and Southwest Asia is also unified by a similar physical geography. The climate is mostly arid and semiarid. Desert terrain covers the landscape. These dry conditions have made water the most valuable resource in the Middle East. Densely populated modern cities are located near water resources, while vast areas of dry land are uninhabited.
Oil became a valuable resource during the twentieth century. Oil exports have created incredible wealth in the region. This has caused rapid economic development and urbanization. Before the twentieth century, many people in North Africa and Southwest Asia lived a traditional lifestyle. These people practiced subsistence agriculture and pastoralism. Some groups maintained a nomadic lifestyle, traveling in caravans across the desert. This traditional way of life continues outside of modern cities.