
North Africa

The physical geography of North Africa is similar to that of Southwest Asia. Both of these regions have mostly arid climates. They also contain large areas of desert and steppe. These regions also have similar cultural and economic characteristics. They share common languages, traditions, religions, and ways of life. During this topic, you will learn more about the cultural and economic influences of North Africa.

Essential Questions



Take a moment to examine the image provided. The person in this image is a member of North Africa’s Tuareg population. The Tuaregs are a group of seminomadic pastoralists that live in the Sahara. Pastoralism is a type of agriculture focused on grazing livestock. There are about two million Tuareg people spread across several North African countries.

Based on this image, what do you think life is like in the deserts of North Africa? Why do you think the Tuareg people dress as they do?