The Rise, Fall, and Legacy of the Mongols

Mongol seige techniques
Fourteenth century Persian illustration depicting Mongol seige strategies

The Mongols were nomadic herders who lived in Central Asia. As tough, skilled warriors, the Mongols conquered the Asian steppe lands, China, Persia, the Middle East, and Russia. Led by a fierce Mongol chieftain named Genghis Kahn, the Mongol Empire grew into the largest land empire in history. Though expansion through conquest is what the Mongols are best remembered for, the Mongols are also credited with establishing trade of products and cultural exchanges between Europe and Asia.

Extend Your Learning: Exchanging Crossword Puzzles

In this topic, you learned that the Mongols were responsible for exchanges between Europe and Asia. To extend your learning, and the learning of a coursemate, exchange the crossword puzzles you created for the topic application. See how many clues you can answer correctly in each other's crossword puzzle.