Map featuring countries involved in the Northern Renaissance
An increase in trade, travel, and literacy resulted in the spread of ideas from the Italian Renaissance to northern Europe in a movement known as the Northern Renaissance. During the Northern Renaissance, just as in Italy, humanist scholars studied and found inspiration in classical literature. Humanism in the Northern Renaissance, however, is frequently referred to as Christian humanism because of the humanists' efforts to unite classical learning with the Christian faith. Located in modern-day Belgium, Flanders was a major center of the Northern Renaissance, which also took place in countries such as France, Spain, England, Germany, and Poland. In this topic, you will explore the Northern Renaissance, including those who made contributions during this time period.
Essential Questions
- How did the Italian Renaissance compare with the Northern Renaissance?
- Who were the main contributors to the Northern Renaissance and what did they accomplish?
In this topic, you will learn that while the Northern Renaissance had several characteristics in common with the Italian Renaissance, various regional difference arose. Take a moment to relate this to the United States. Specifically, consider the United States as a whole, and then think about any regional differences. Are there styles of food, dress, and language that change as you move throughout the country? If so, why do you think this is?