The Epic of Gilgamesh

As you learned in this topic, Gilgamesh is the hero of an epic poem passed down orally from its Mesopotamian roots, that dates back to around 4,000 B.C. (B.C.E.). Like other archetypal heroes, Gilgamesh embarks on a journey that brings him to an important realization at the end of the storyline. This poem also takes on other archetypes, such as the great flood, friendship, death, punishment, and the search for everlasting life.
Download the summary to Gilgamesh. While reading the summary to this epic poem, think about other stories that relate to the archetypes present in Gilgamesh. What does this poem say about the Mesopotamian culture? How might that culture be similar or different from the other cultures whose stories relate to Gilgamesh?
Answer the following questions in an electronic document, and submit them to the dropbox. Download a printable version of the questions.
- What was Gilgamesh trying to find on his journey?
- What is Enkidu's relationship to Gilgamesh?
- Who is Humbaba?
- What happens to Enkidu?
- After killing the Bull, what is Gilgamesh now searching for?
- Who tries to prevent Gilgamesh from fulfilling his journey?
- Who is Uta-napishtim?
- Why was Uta-napishtim placed on an island?
- What are two items Uta-napishtim was allowed to take on his boat?
- What does Gilgamesh realize in the end?
- What does the poem say about the religious, social, political, and economic patterns of Mesopotamia?
After completing this assignment, please submit your work to the dropbox.