Secondary Civilizations - Hebrews, Phoenicians, Nubians, and Lydians
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Who do you consider popular at school? Are they people everyone talks about and seems to remember? When you think about popularity this way, you may also think about the Sumerians and Egyptians as popular during ancient history. However, just because those two civilizations get the most recognition doesn't mean they are the only important ones to consider.

During the New Stone Age, other smaller, permanent settlements began in river valleys and around the Mediterranean Sea. While the size of these civilizations was smaller, their contributions to human development were instrumental and long-lasting. In this topic, you will explore the ancient cultures of the Hebrews, Phoenicians, Nubians, and Lydians.

Essential Questions



Star of David and menorah on a stained glass panelwarm-up iconDid You Know?

In this topic, you will learn about the history and basic beliefs of Judaism. The Jewish faith is one of the oldest religions in the world. Today, more than thirteen million people are Jewish. Take a moment to read the below interesting facts about modern Judaism.