The Ajanta Caves in India are Buddhist cave monuments that date back to the 2nd and 1st centuries B.C. (B.C.E.).
More cave monuments were added by the Guptas.
The diverse Persian Empire was unified under King Cyrus the Great and his successor, Darius I. Both kings took many steps to make the Persian Empire the largest of its time, like embracing the cultures of those who were conquered, and building the Royal Road to improve communication and transportation throughout the vast empire. Despite efforts to overtake eastern populations, Persia could not obtain the subcontinent of India.
India is very well protected by mountains, like the Hundu Kush, rivers, like the Ganges River, and the Indian Ocean. Despite its geographic isolation, civilizations flourished in India. The Gupta and Mauryan empires made many contributions to human civilization, including better roads, free hospitals, and new textiles. Both Buddhism and Hinduism originated in India and exist there today.
Classical Chinese government was based on dynasties, or ruling families, who felt their right to rule was established through a Mandate of Heaven. While the Chinese built the Great Wall of China as a means of protection from Mongol invaders, they also established the Silk Road as a major trade route to connect China with the Mediterranean world. Philosophy and social values were important in classical China, and are still important in modern Chinese societies. In fact, two major philosophies originated in China: Confucianism and Taoism.