Painting from a Sanskrit manuscript of Buddha teaching the Four Noble Truths, 700 - 1100 A.D. (C.E.)
Religion was an integral part of life in classical India and continues to be so today. During the rise of classical India, two religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, emerged and flourished in Indian culture. These two religions helped Indians explain daily life and occurrences, and offered ways to a better life, especially for those in lower castes. In this topic, you will explore the history and beliefs of these two major world religions.
Essential Questions
- What were the origins and beliefs of the major eastern religions found in India and China?
- How did these major eastern religions compare to one another?
A KWL chart is used to understand a subject in the following ways: What an individual "Knows" about a topic; what an individual "Wants" to know about a topic; and what an individual has "Learned" about a topic. For this warm-up, you will begin a KWL chart. First take a moment to read the below principles found in the eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism.

- According to Hindus: This is the sum of duty; do naught to others that which if done to thee would cause pain.
- According to Buddhists: Hurt not others that which pains you.
On a separate document, create a KLW chart regarding the two eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Draw a table or chart similar to the one on this page. Instead of using the headings, K, W, and L, your chart should have the following headings: "What I Know about Hinduism and Buddhism Based on the Principles or Prior Knowledge," "What I Want to Know about Hinduism and Buddhism," and "What I Have Learned about Hinduism and Buddhism." Complete the first two columns of your KLW chart. Save your diagram to use later in this topic.