Geography and Early History of Ancient Rome

the ruins of Pompeii

The ruins of Pompeii near modern-day Naples, Italy. The city was destroyed in 79 A.D. (C.E.) during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

As with many other ancient groups, the geography of ancient Rome played an important role in the development of its culture. Before you examine the history of ancient Rome, it is important that you understand the geography of the Italian Peninsula and the surrounding areas. In this topic, you will explore how the location of Italy affected the political development, expansion, and economic success of the Romans.

Essential Question



map of italy with a boot shape drawn around the country

warm-up iconAs you learn about the geography of the Roman Republic and Roman Empire, notice how Italy is shaped like a high-heeled boot. Take a moment to examine this modern-day satellite photograph of Italy. As you can see, the outline of the boot is in red. When you learn about some of the regions and locations important to ancient Romans, you may find it helpful to remember where the places are located on the boot of Italy. If you are wondering about the name of the island that Italy is "kicking" - it is the island of Sicily!