Russians Adapt Byzantine Culture

painting called the Baptism of Kievans

The Baptism of Kievans by Klavdy Lebedev

Russia emerged as a world power under the reign of Ivan the Great. What once was a collection of princely states under the domination of the Mongols had become a unified nation-state under Russian rule with Moscow as its capital. Much of Russia's cultural development can be traced back to the Byzantine Empire. In this topic, you will explore the early history of Russia and how its culture was influenced by Byzantine civilization through trade and travel.

Essential Questions



warm-up iconRead the following account by Russian travelers describing their visit to the Byzantine Empire. Then draw an image that illustrates an answer to one of the following questions: What was the biggest impression that the Byzantine Empire made on the Russian visitors? What impact might this report have on the relationship between the Byzantines and Russians? What impact might this report have specifically on the religious decisions made by the Russian ruler at the time?

“… the Greeks led us to the buildings where they worship their God, and we knew not whether we were in heaven or on earth. For on earth there is no such splendor or such beauty and we are at a loss how to describe it. We only know that God dwells there among men and … we cannot forget that beauty.”