Contributions of Islamic Society

a mosque in Sumatra, Indonesia

Mosque in Sumatra, Indonesia

As the Islamic religion and political influence spread throughout Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, so did the contributions of this unique culture. The Islamic Golden Age saw major advancements in science, art, architecture, and navigation. The building of libraries preserved the works of the Greeks and Romans while absorbing the achievements of contemporaries. Universities were built to expand and spread the knowledge to future generations, making progress unstoppable. Similarly, through the development of large trading networks over land and sea, and keeping the Qur'an only in Arabic, Islam spread even further.


Extend Your Learning: Alphabets and Languages

One of the major contributions Muslims made to society was their use of and spread of the Arabic language. As you progressed through this course, you have likely realized the major impact alphabets and languages have had on the fabric of society throughout history. Specifically, you have learned about impacts alphabets and languages, or a lack of alphabets and languages, have had on the following cultures:

Take a moment to organize your thoughts about the significance alphabets and languages have had on three of these cultures, one of which includes the Muslims. Then, create a Venn diagram that compares and contrasts each culture's alphabet, language, and use. As you continue through the course, be sure to keep this knowledge in mind so you can better understand connections between civilizations.