The Franks and the Age of Charlemagne

painting depicting Clovis I leading the Franks in the Battle of Tolbiac

A 19th century painting by Ary Scheffer depicting the Frankish king and Roman official, Clovis I, leading the Franks in the Battle of Tolbiac

From about 500 A.D. (C.E.) to 1000 A.D. (C.E.) in Western Europe, Frankish kings rose to power by using vast military fortitude to obtain conquered lands. During this time, the relationship between the Franks and the Church strengthened. In this topic, you will explore the rise and domination of the Frankish kingdom, with an emphasis on the Age of Charlemagne.

Essential Questions



warm-up iconTake a moment to brainstorm a list of character traits that make for a successful leader. Choose the three most important qualities from your list, and rank them from most to least significant. Then read the following excerpt from Peter Munz, author of Life in the Age of Charlemagne, describing one of the most well-known leaders in the Frankish kingdom: Charlemagne.

Nothing was too big or too small to escape the King’s attention…. [Laws] were issued on [his] authority as an expression of his concern and responsibility for the welfare of the people entrusted to him by God. Charlemagne was unique among medieval rulers in his scrupulous concern for the welfare of his subjects.

Based on the excerpt, what character traits did Charlemagne possess that enabled him to become a successful leader? How do these characteristics compare with your original list?