Instructor's Guide

World History II TeacherBased on the Virginia Standards of Learning, this World History II course is designed to introduce students to world history and geography from the year 1500 A.D. through the present. World History II fully integrates both world history and geography concepts.

Starting with a general exploration of world religions and a review of the global setting in 1500 A.D., this course covers important people, places, and events including the Renaissance, the Reformation, colonialism and the Age of Discovery, the Enlightenment, the Scientific Revolution, the French Revolution, colonial independence and European unification in the 1800s, the Industrial Revolution, World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, African and Asian independence movements, international terrorism, and modern economic, social, and environmental issues.

This page provides the instructor with supporting documents for the course and the course content.

Technical Specifications

It is recommended that all students use the course management system check before beginning a course.  Typically this tool checks each computer for JavaScript®, browser versions, cookies, and display.  In addition to these computer requirements, each user will need to have the free Adobe® Flash® Player and the free Adobe® Reader®. Videos in World History II are provided in a variety of formats, due to their availability. Course instructors and students should have access to the most current free versions of both Windows Media Player® and QuickTime®.

Discovery Education™ streaming Videos

This World History II course utilizes videos from Discovery Education™ streaming. When possible, these videos have been included in course files; however, due to copyright, some videos must be viewed on the Discovery Education™ streaming website. For information about your username and password for this resource, please contact your school's media specialist.


This course is designed to provide a variety of options for students to access course content and engage them in the online learning environment. Some of the methods used in the course to help students succeed are as follows:

  • Visual elements (images, applets, flash, frames, etc.) have a descriptive ALT tag that describes the visual element in appropriate detail
  • Presentations have adjustable audio
  • Presentations have multiple views to provide students with notes to follow along with each slide
  • Adobe® PDF files of every presentation slide are available for use with assistive technology devices, printing formats, or mobile device use
  • Adobe® PDF files of every interactive flash file are available for use with assistive technology devices, printing formats, or mobile device use
  • When available, closed captioning (.smi) files for videos or video clips are provided in the course management files (document folder)
  • Style sheets are used to control the look of each web page
  • Flashing, blinking, or constantly moving text is not used
  • Row and column headers are identified for data tables
  • Link labels are clearly identified with meaningful text, not just “Click here"