Module 1: Religion and Empires

Map of Marco Polo's route to China.

authentic assessment iconImagine you are a Christian traveling with Marco Polo on his adventures from Venice through the Middle East to China. Through this assignment, you will document your experiences. You can record the events of this journey using an electronic blog format, a travel or captain's log, or a diary/journal format. You will need to include a minimum of 5 different entries that include the following information throughout:

  • Include at least two religions and their major differences and similarities to Christianity
  • Incorporate the routes that you take
  • Describe the goods that you purchase

Be creative and informative! You may download the Marco Polo Travel Adventure Checklist for this assignment. Use it as a guide in helping you complete the assessment and to understand how your work will be graded. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for infomation citing any resources that you use. Submit your work to the dropbox when you have completed this assignment.


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Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.