In this module, you explored some of the motivations for Europeans to explore new territories and gain new colonies. Several countries sponsored explorers to claim new lands to honor their country. Unfortunately, most of the indigenous populations like the Incas and Aztecs were decimated as Europe expanded. As a result of exploration and technological advances, new trading routes were founded throughout the world. The Columbian Exchange introduced new ideas and products between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, while the triangle trade flourished as demands for goods and slaves increased.
Global trade routes were established linking some of the developing empires like the Ottoman Empire and the Mughal Empire in northern India. China opened up foreign enclaves for trading goods while Japan restricted any foreign influence as they followed an isolationist policy.
Due to the increase in trade and the development of new trading routes, European economies had to adapt their economic policies which resulted in the Commercial Revolution. Some of the features of the Commercial Revolution included new money and banking systems, mercantilism, and exploiting the colonies’ economies to the benefit of the mother country. As some of the European countries' economies stabilized, political challenges began to emerge as some monarchs wanted more control over their countries.