During the late 1600s and 1700s, political changes occured throughout Europes. In this module, you will explore the differing types of governments which developed in England, France, Prussia, and Russia during this time period. In particular, you will focus on the absolute monarchies of France and Russia and how the rulers in those countries consolidated power. Then, you will contrast these with the government that developed in England where people protested against the formation of an absolute monarch. This resulted in the declining power of the monarchy and increased power for the Parliament.
Before you learn about the important people and events of Europe and Russia during a time of political upheaval, see how well you can identify several geographic locations. In this non-graded activity, find each of the countries, empires, geographic features, or cities provided on the map and click Submit. Click the player to get started.
Key Vocabulary
To view the definitions for these key vocabulary terms, visit the course glossary.
absolute monarch | Glorious Revolution | Roundheads |
Cardinal Richelieu | habeas corpus | Stuarts |
Cavaliers | Hapsburg Empire | Tories |
Charles I | James II | Tudors |
Charles II | limited monarchy | Versailles |
constitutional monarchy | Louis XIV | westernization |
divine right | Oliver Cromwell | Whigs |
English Bill of Rights of 1689 | Parliament | William & Mary |
English Civil War | Peter the Great | |
Frederick the Great | Restoration |