Module 7: Industrial Revolution and Its Impact

Image of Dusé Mohamed AliInstructional iconNew Technology for a Colony or Protectorate

Pretend that it is the Age of Imperialism (1850-1910) and that you are a colonial subject working for the government in a colony or protectorate in Asia or Africa. As part of your education, you travelled to Europe and are aware of the technological and scientific advancements that have been made during the Industrial Revolution. As a representative of your people, you want to use your position to make life better for people in the colony or protectorate.

Create a government proposal for your colonial government requesting three new technological and/or scientific advancements developed during the Industrial Revolution for your country. Keep in mind the geographic characteristics of where you live when selecting your advancements.

In your proposal, make sure to include the following information:

  • Are you living in a new colony or a protectorate?
  • What is the country that rules your colony/protectorate?
  • Where is the colony/protectorate located?
  • What are at least three industrial age advancements that you believe would be beneficial in this colony/protectorate?
  • How will these advancements benefit both the indigenous population and the mother country? Include at least two benefits for the indigenous population and at least two benefits for the mother country.
  • What are at least two potential consequences of the introduction of these industrial age advancements to the colony/protectorate and how do the benefits outweigh the consequences?

Your proposal should have a title, an appropriate date from the past, and should be well-organized. You can create a form for your proposal, or you can write it as a note. Remember, you are trying to advance your own country, so be convincing! You may download the New Technology for a Colony or Protectorate Rubric for this assignment. Use it as a guide in helping you complete the assessment and to understand how your work will be graded. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for infomation citing any resources that you use. Submit your work to the dropbox when you have completed this assignment.

Once you have completed your government proposal, please submit your work to the dropbox.


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