
Food Court

Virginia Agriculture and Resources: By the Numbers

Virginia Agriculture and Resources: By the Numbers InteractivityAgriculture, food, and natural resources are the largest private industry in Virginia. It has huge impact on state finances and employment statistics. In this interactivity, click on each of the markers. You will learn important facts about agriculture and natural resources in Virginia. Click on the player button to begin.

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Greenhouse Labs

Greenhouse Labs in School Video

When you think of agriculture, do you think of big open fields on farmland? This is not the only way to support agriculture. New York Sunworks built greenhouses that use hydroponics to urban schools in New York. Discover the benefits of farming with water and nutrients instead of soil. View in video Greenhouse Labs in School from eMediaVA℠. As you watch, consider whether this type of farming could benefit your community. Click the player button to begin.

Workplace Skills for Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Careers

Professionals in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster should exhibit Efficiency and Productivity. This means planning, prioritizing, and adapting work goals to manage time and resources effectively. Natural resources, food sources, and livestock must be carefully managed due to safety reasons. Workplace Safety is important for this career cluster. Workers in this career cluster should maintain a safe work environment by adhering to safety guidelines and identifying risks to self and others.

Career Connection: Scientist Profile - Cow Vet

Scientist Profile: Cow Vet Video

While you may be accustomed to taking your cat or dog to the vet, large animals that live on farms need to be taken care of differently. In the video, Scientist Profile: Cow Vet, from eMediaVA℠, you will discover how John Fetrow ensures thousands of cows stay healthy. Click the player button to begin.

Career Connection: Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural Engineering Video

Next, view the video, Agricultural Engineering, from eMediaVA℠, and explore how working in this career involves merging human systems, natural environments, and engineering to ensure farms are more energy efficient, and food is abundant and safe for consumption. Click the player button to begin.

Growth of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources is the largest industry in Virginia. Experts believe that there will be a decline of 1% in this cluster by 2024. By that time, there will be roughly 99,400 employees total working in the cluster in this state.

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Pathways

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Pathways InteractivityThere are seven different pathways associated with the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster. In this interactivity, learn about each of these pathways. You will explore descriptions, sample job titles, salaries, and required education. Click the player button to begin.

View a printable version of the interactivity or an ADA compliant transcript.

Virginia Department of Education's Career Planning Guide

Are you interested in learning more about the occupations shown in the seven pathways in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster? Visit the Virginia Department of Education's Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Planning Guide to explore these pathways and careers in more detail.

Get Started: Clubs and Organizations

There are many clubs and organizations you can join to get started in this career cluster. Consider joining the National FFA Organization or the Virginia FFA Organization. This organization offers middle school and high school students agricultural educational opportunities. Members learn skills in leadership, personal growth, and career readiness. In addition, your local area should have a chapter of 4-H. 4-H is an organization devoted to helping students complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture, and citizenship.

Food Court IntroductionFood Court Quiz