
1920s Merry-Go-Round

A Day in the Life of a Middle School Teacher

A Day in the Life of a Middle School Teacher InteractivityTeachers are the largest group of professionals in the Education and Training Career Cluster. A teacher’s life is busy AND rewarding. In this interactivity, learn more about the Education and Training Career Cluster. Experience a day in the life of a middle school teacher. Click on the numbered buttons in order to learn more. Click the player button to begin.

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How New Ideas Take Root

Good Thinking! Conceptual Change: How New Ideas Take Root Video

Educating and training people is not as easy as it may seem. All learners have different backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge. In order for employees in the Education and Training Career Cluster to support their learners, they must better understand how people learn. This concept is explained in the video Good Thinking! Conceptual Change: How New Ideas Take Root from eMediaVA℠. Click the player button to begin.

Workplace Skills for Education and Training Careers

Professionals in the Education and Training Career Cluster need to have Listening and Speaking skills. This means listening attentively and asking questions to clarify meaning. It also means articulating ideas clearly in a manner appropriate for the setting and audience. For this career cluster, professionals should have Respect for Diversity. This means valuing individual differences. It also means working collaboratively with people of diverse backgrounds, viewpoints, and experiences.

Career Connection: Speech Pathologist

Speech Pathologist: Move to Include Video

Kimberly Miller is a Speech-Language Pathologist. Learn more about her in the video Speech Pathologist: Move to Include, from eMediaVA℠. You will learn about services that children with communicative disorders receive for speech, language, and/or hearing issues. Click the player button to begin.

Career Connection: Special Education Teacher

Career Connections: Special Education Teachers Video

View the video Career Connections: Special Education Teachers, from eMediaVA℠. You will learn about two intervention specialists, Nicole Ward and Julie Davalla. They support students who have special needs and prepare students for jobs in the real world. Click the player button to begin.

Growth of Education and Training Career Cluster

By 2024, the number of education and training jobs in Virginia is expected to increase by 13%. At that time, there will be a total of 254,800 jobs. This represents more growth than the anticipated national increase of 8%. Both middle school and early childhood education teachers are predicted to be in high demand.

Education and Training Pathways

Education and Training Pathways InteractivityThere are three different pathways associated with the Education and Training Career Cluster. In this interactivity, learn about each of these pathways. You will explore descriptions, sample job titles, salaries, and required education. Click the player button to begin.

View a printable version of the interactivity or an ADA compliant transcript.

Virginia Department of Education's Career Planning Guide

Are you interested in learning more about the occupations shown in the three pathways in the Education and Training Career Cluster? Visit the Virginia Department of Education's Education and Training Career Planning Guide to explore these pathways and careers in more detail.

Get Started: Clubs and Organizations

There are many clubs and organizations you can join to get started in this career cluster. Think about joining Educators Rising if you would like to have a career as a teacher. This organization has a virtual campus to help you gain professional skills. It also has a national conference, competitions, and scholarships. Also, think about joining your school's chapter of Future Teachers of America (FTA). Future Teachers of America introduces high school students to a career in teaching. The organization helps participants with teaching and leadership skills. Members get to help elementary school students who may be struggling in reading.

1920s Merry-Go-Round Introduction1920s Merry-Go-Round Summary